Illustrating COVID
COVID Briefing 17/11/20
During the pandemic there was a palpable sense of panic as events were cancelled and everything we did suddenly evaporated. It transpired that where physical meetings disappeared many virtual meetings grew in their place.
We spent the time trapped at home plugged into computers rapidly illustrating virtual meetings. And one of the most interesting of the era were the COVID briefings from Sir David Nabarro (amongst other things a Special Envoy of WHO Director-General on COVID-19).
Live Illustration visually recorded many of the meetings throughout the pandemic. All of our scribes agreed it was a relief to get a global, science based and realistic view on the pandemic as it happened. We have a huge catalogue of images tracking the pandemic, from before we had vaccines, to discussions about ‘long covid’ and through to the global rollout. And a few are shown with this post.
4SD is a foundation that promotes living systems leadership and we continue to support their talks and webinars as the post pandemic world emerges.