What's the difference between digital scribing and virtual scribing?
Before COVID there was only one type of scribing. The type where you show up with a big bit of paper and visualise the discussions, insights and themes of a meeting or event.
A 3 meter board with a Graphic Recording on it
The lockdowns saw us perfect the use of iPads to visualise events virtually. COVID stopped us meeting in person - but it did not stop meetings!
Using an iPad to visualise an online session
Now that's all safely behind us (fingers crossed) we have brought the innovations of virtual events to ones taking place in person.
Virtual scribing is where we are using an ipad but we are not there.
Whereas in person digital scribing is where we are at the event with an ipad.
Using an iPad to visualise an in person conference works really well - the impact of the drawing projected on screens is profound.
Using the big screen to show our live event visualisation
We still use paper for events and workshops. And we still hop on to virtual platforms to visualise virtual events. But bringing an iPad to an event was an emerging trend in 2022 and is now our most popular method in 2023.
A brief guide to in-person digital graphic recording