Co-creation with your audience
A graphic recoding made from audience interactions
We love going to events and capturing the insights from speakers and panels. But what about the audience?
We have developed what is now a tried and tested technique. We take our drawing board to where the people are at an event, and talk to them. Gathering concepts from the crowd taps into a huge knowledge resource in the room. We ask a question or two, and draw it up on the board.
This is a method that really engages audiences, people are thrilled to see their concept drawn. It’s a sort of event based moment of co-creation. A recent event where this method had a fantastic impact was for CTO Craft. And one of the first people to come up to us immediately quoted Szun Zu!
Sun Tzu - the famous CTO offers his wisdom
It made for a great image that captured the audience point of view.
The whole CTO craft image optimised post event and ready to be sent out