International Sketchnote Day 2024
A Sketchnote of Ben Ansell’s Reith Lecture on Democracy
Today is International Sketchnote Day. On the 11th of January the world over visualiser, artists, Illustrators and Graphic Recorders flood the internet with their sketchnotes. You can find out more about Sketchnotes on Mike Rhode’s site Sketchnote Army.
Sketchnotes are a typically a personal method of recording notes and thoughts in a book or on an iPad. They have a looser definition than graphic recording or visual scribing, but they are all more or less the same thing. If you want to learn how to graphic record events and workshops, sketchnoting is a great entry point.
And you can sketchnote anything (as thoroughly detailed in Mike Rhode’s book the Sketchnote Handbook which the author of this blog post is featured in). Often it’s an excuse for a professional scribe to draw something they are interested in.
Today I have taken a moment to Skethnote one of Ben Ansell’s fascinating BBC Reith Lectures. There is a huge catalogue of lectures on the BBC website and they are the perfect thing to practice your skills with. And with elections in over 50 countries 2024 is going to be a big year for democracy one way or another, it’s time to brush up!